Social Responsibility
As a post-secondary cosmetology & aesthetics school, we try to teach through action by addressing the environmental impacts we can control & to encourage our students & guests to do the same.
We are proud to have an inclusive culture that is respectful of others, ethical in conduct, dedicated & hard working to our mission, & collaborative with our colleagues.
We are always committed to do the right thing for the right reasons. Being ethical & transparent means to educate with the highest of standards within all that we do. Our governance is designed to be in alignment with our accreditor, our community, our industry, & our regulators.
Environmental Responsibility
We have the opportunity to teach environmental responsibility through our actions.
- transitioning to electronic documents from paper
- use environmentally friendly cleaning products; such as detergents & disposable products
- use environmentally friendly beauty products
- energy management including efficient LED lighting
- cool roofing through TPO
- careful monitoring of water use
- properly disposing of batteries, electronics, toners
- using furnishing made of low-volatile organic compounds where possible
Social Responsibility
Social responsibility means acting in a way that benefits our society. We believe that begins with our values.
- Respectful
- Ethical
- Dedicated & Hard-Working
- Collaborative
As a cosmetology & aesthetics school, we teach our staff & students about:
- Violence Against Women Act
- Sexual Harassment
- Drug & Alcohol Abuse
- OSHA & Workplace Safety
- Labor Laws; Workers Compensation; Right-To-Know Laws
- Cosmetology Act & Rules
- Emergency First Aid
- Finding Supporting Resources
Social Responsibility also means volunteering & supporting our community:
- Wicker Park/Bucktown Chamber of Commerce
- Local Business Organizations
- Local Schools & Charities
- Illinois Association of Cosmetology Schools
- MSA-CESS (Accreditation)
- American Association of Cosmetology Schools
- Professional Beauty Industry Associations
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance means our system of rules, practices, & processes. Governance creates the structure of how we educate. Governance has guided us to having a solid reputation as a reputable institution of higher learning with integrity. Our practices include:
- An Advisory Board of Employers for every occupation in which we prepare our graduates
- Using an external 3rd Party Processor to separate financial aid positions
- Adopting Student Rights
- Instituting Policies on Attendance & Academics
- Instituting Policies on Services Performed
- Codes of Conduct for Employees, Financial Aid Officers, Admissions Personnel, Educators, & Students
- Creating an Annual Security Report
- Bi-Annual Security Report to assess our performance